As the maps you will be using to find your way around Denmark will have place names etc. in Danish, these are the names that have been used in the English text. However, you may find it useful to know the English language equivalent of some of the commoner geographical terms.

Bakke: Hill
Bredning: Wide stretch of water in a fjord, a bay
Bro: Bridge
Bugt: Bay
By: Town
Dige: Dyke
Dæmning: Dam, embankment
Eng(e): Meadow(s)
Havn: Harbour
Hede: Heath
Kirke: Church
Klit: Dune
Kloster: Monastery
Kog: Polder
Kær: Bog, marsh
Marsk: Marsh(land)
Mose: Bog, moor
Mølle: Mill
Nor: Lagoon
Odde(r): Spit(s)
Rev: Reef
Skov: Wood, forest
Sti: Track, path
Strand: Beach
Sund: Sound
Sø: Lake
Tange: Bar, isthmus, tongue (of land)
Vej: Road
Vig: Inlet
Å: Stream, river